Posted in Giveaway

A New Year…and a Giveaway!

Can you believe it’s already 2016? I’m not necessarily having a hard time accepting that fact, but I am having a hard time reconciling the fact that I still feel like I’m in my early- to mid-twenties, even though I’m…well, beyond my twenties. I still tell people I’m either 27 or 29, depending on if I did my makeup that day. 😉 However, my two younger kids haven’t smartened up yet; they still ensure that everyone knows just how old I really am.


So, my birthday was just over a week ago and I wanted to post this then, but you know how that week between Christmas and New Year’s is: you’re in a food and celebration coma and don’t have a clue as to what day it really is. All this to say, here I am, on January 4th, getting ready to “celebrate” my birthday with you by…are you ready?…having a giveaway!

Yes! A giveaway! I love giving things to make people smile, and you, dear readers, are very patient with my sporadic postings. So while I don’t have my own book to give away yet, I do have something for you. I found it in a sweet decor shop here in the city (of course I bought one for myself; I couldn’t resist!) and thought it would be a fun little trinket to send an avid reader.

So here it is!

Giveaway January 2016

You’ll get that sweet sign and a $5 Amazon gift card to purchase a Kindle book of your choosing (or whatever you wish to spend it on). All you need to do is leave a comment answering this question:

What goals have you set for yourself for this year? They can be writing, reading, personal, health, relational, you name it! I’m always interested in hearing what other people wish to improve upon.

Open only to residents of the United States and Canada. The winner will be chosen via on February 1, 2016. (See? I wrote the year correctly! Yay me!) I’ll announce the winner both here and on my Facebook page (, so be sure to head to Facebook and “like” my page if you haven’t already!

Happy New Year!


Mikal Dawn is an inspirational romance author, wedding enthusiast, and proud military wife. By day, she works as an administrative assistant for an international ministry, runs her kids to all their sports, and drinks lots of coffee. By night, she talks to figments of her imagination as she attempts to write while dinner is burning. And drinks lots of coffee. When she isn’t writing about faith, fun, and forever, she is obsessively scouring Pinterest (with coffee in hand, of course!) for wedding ideas for her characters. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Mikal now lives in Oklahoma with her husband, Mark, two of their three children, and one ferocious feline.

40 thoughts on “A New Year…and a Giveaway!

  1. My goal is to learn to say “no” to others and “yes” to offers of help-both without feeling guilty. I got myself completely overwhelmed a few times last year, and I don’t think we can afford that this year. That and to survive the coming year with more grace than I know I have on my own. 😉


    1. I think that’s a *very* wise goal, Bethany!! I think that’s something that likely every person needs to learn: no to some things, yes to other things…especially that offer of help. (I tend to let pride get in my way. Ugh.)

      Thank you!! ❤


  2. Is it bad that I haven’t made any goals for the year? I’m just not a goal oriented person. Maybe that’s a detrimental character flaw! I just try to live each day in the present and be the best mom I can (aka not kill my kids when I come unglued).


    1. LOL! I don’t actually think that’s a bad thing (especially not killing your kids…believe me, I’ve been there–almost every day over this past Christmas vacation!). To be honest, I only set writing goals for the first time this year. I set reading goals each year. But personal goals? Nope. Not one. 🙂

      Thanks so much for the conversation!


    1. Oh Marion, I have such an issue with finishing projects I start! Especially my sewing projects. Maybe I’ll join you in that one!

      Thank you so much for the conversation!


  3. I LOVE your site, I want to make mine like yours!! So excited for you and what a fabulous giveaway, Mikal!! 🙂 ❤ It's going to be a great year for you, I just know it!


  4. My New Year goals this year is to complete on of my new years goals from last year! LOL! Instead of focusing on losing weight I want to focus on eating healthier. I want to spend time in the Word consistently. I want to make (and hopefully) sell more stuff on my Etsy page. Ok I think that is a start…we’ll see how I’m doing in a month from now 🙂


    1. BWAHAHAHA!!!! I adore you!!! If we’re all gonna be honest here, my goal should be to complete my goals from, y’know…twenty years ago? 😉 I think your goals are AWESOME. Does this mean you’re going to eat vegetables? LOL!

      Your Etsy page?! I need to know this page, please. 😀


  5. I have LOTS of goals all the time but I know I need to focus. So the thing that I know I need to finally figure out is sticking to our budget. My fun goal is starting up my scripture memory blog again and to write there once a week.


    1. Budget? What budget? You mean, there’s a budget I have to stick to? Wha??? *sigh* Yet another one I should join in on. 😉

      I’m SO excited for you and your blog and business! It’s going to be a huge blessing!!


  6. I got the idea from a few author friends of mine (I can’t remember who. Maybe you might know?) to pick a word and focus on it throughout the year. Being that I’m heading off to college for the first time I decided to pick the word, “COURAGE”. So now, I am putting it as a reminder in my planner, on my wall, everywhere I can think of. 🙂 I also want to start blogging more, reading more, and begin a devotional that I felt God calling me to write. The only issue with those three things is finding the time. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I. Love. This. So much! I think that’s fantastic!! (And I’ve seen it from a few authors, so choose one. lol!)

      I’ve never done a word for a year…actually I’ve never done anything like that. But in my reading the other night, I came across a Proverb that I thought would fit the bill perfectly: “Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established” (Proverbs 16:3).

      Considering how I panic that I’m going to lose a story or not be able to finish a story, I thought this one is absolutely perfect for me this year as one of my goals is to actually finish ONE of my manuscripts I have goin’ on. 😉

      Thank you for sharing!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I need to go do some Facebook research because I wanted to look more into the focusing word for a year challenge. I adore the idea! That verse fits your situation perfectly! I love it! I’m sure you will finish one of your manuscripts now that you have more time on your hands. 🙂 I will be praying for you!


  7. I would like to read and review 250 books this year….with most of them being new or new-to-me authors. I would also like to read the Bible through completely. After seeing how many pages I read last year of Christian Fiction, I felt very guilty that I’ve never even tried to read God’s Word through completely! Looking forward to a great 2016!


    1. WOW! 250 books? You’re a reading machine!

      I’ve only read through the Bible in its entirety once, back in Bible college. I’ve read it through in pieces, but there’s something to be said for reading it through. It’s amazing, really. God bless you in your new year and your fantastic goals!!

      Thank you for sharing!


  8. Goals!
    Writing every day…
    Write weekly on my other blog…
    Writing a chapter per week of my first book!
    Reading 12 books.
    Getting a job (still gotta pay the bills!).


    1. Oh, those bills never stop! lol! Those are fantastic goals! I’ve been reading your blogs; heart-wrenching and messy and beautiful. It’s amazing to see God working in your life!


    1. I *love* redecorating!!! That sounds like a fab goal, if you ask me. I really want to have only things I absolutely love in my house this year, so I’ll be doing quite a bit of purging myself. Hm…those could be some fun before/after photos to see what we had before we only kept what we love. I can almost guarantee it’d be a huge difference. 🙂

      Thank you so much for sharing!


  9. Goals?! LOL. I just need to keep plugging along. Ooh, finishing projects I start – that is one my hubby wants me to have. 😉


  10. Well, I set a Goodreads reading goal! 120 books 😀 and to post on my blog more regularly and to spend more time with God. Not in that order 🙂 Thanks for the chance Mikal! That sign is adorable!


    1. Thank you so much, Sierra!! 120 books is an AMAZING goal…and huge. Really huge. lol!! I can’t wait to see what you read and what you thought of them!

      I definitely need to spend more time with God. 🙂 I’m actually considering trying out Kristy Cambron’s method of verse mapping. It looks intense, but fantastic!

      Thank you so much for sharing!


  11. First, happy belated birthday. Mine is during that week after Christmas, right before New Year’s also. One of my goals is to read the Bible through this year. I’ve stated this before and not finished. Not sure why I haven’t, but my goal is to do it this year!


    1. Oh Nancy, I’m sorry it took me a few days to see and approve this! So much has been happening in our home.

      It’s *hard* to read the Bible through. It’s definitely a commitment, but it is *so* worth it!!

      Happy belated birthday to you, too! Mine is also that week, but closer to Christmas than New Year’s. 😀


  12. My goal is to use my conversations to ask What do you want Christ to do in your life in 2016 or Do you want Christ in your life in 2016? With this questions I hope to find two other people to disciple this year and lead others to Christ. I also plan on reading my Bible through again as well.


    1. Kristen, those are *excellent* goals!! I think asking those questions will really open up some incredible conversations. Please keep me updated!

      Thank you for sharing!


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